
Kaleidoscope DetailsBack to Gallery
A Kaleidoscope of Colors is a quilt block reminiscent of the pinwheels youngsters love. There is motion in this piece similar to some of the old Amish quilt. The stitches used are all those you have looked at throughout the past in stitch books and thought you would never use - here they are to try in small amounts and in varying colors - Beaty, Rhodes, Diagonal Whipped Chain, Eyelet Variation, Diagonal Roumanian, Rice Stitch Variation, Alternating Continental, Diagonal Wheat with Backstitch, Triangle Variations, Diagonal Partial Rococo, Diagonal Hungarian, Leaf Variation, Pavillion, Diagonal Knitting, Woven Stitch A background stitch from Pageants of Pattern completes the solid color triangles. The border stitch appears to be quilted and in turn it is banded on both sides by a plaited stitch. Kaleidoscope is stitched primarily in Anchor six-stranded cotton but some DMC and some Eva Rosenstand are added to give correct color balance.
Ground: 16 x 16 White Mono Canvas
Technique: Canvas/needlepoint
Level: Intermediate
Price: $25 (MD residents add 5% sales tax)
Materials List:
- DMC:
- 1 skein each of #315, 318, 355, 324, 3743
- Anchor:
- 1 skein each #13, 44, 78, 96, 100, 112, 129, 131, 146, 150, 187, 213, 215, 218, 235, 240, 337, 339, 341, 403
- Eva Rosenstand:
- 1 skein each of #3, 138, 211